The first 47 names for GMM2015 were announced just last week and today we’re back with another string of names for next year’s landmark edition. The new additions are a cross-section of the best the metal world has to offer today with Airbourne, A Day to Remember, Life of Agony and Marduk. This brings the total number of confirmed bands for the loudest anniversary bash of the year to 58!
Continue reading »Tuesday, 2 December 2014
Thursday, 20 November 2014
First 47 names confirmed!
The countdown for the heaviest metalfest of 2015 starts today! We’re celebrating two decades of Graspop Metal Meeting next year and that calls for a super heavy line-up. With Kiss, Slipknot, Scorpions, Korn and Judas Priest, five out of six headliners for the two main stages have already been confirmed. Other top acts include Alice Cooper, Motörhead, In Flames, Bodycount, Within Temptation, Five Finger Death Punch and Godsmack, supplemented with 35 other names.
Continue reading »Friday, 10 October 2014
Graspop Metal Meeting 2015 one week earlier this year
The 20th anniversary edition of Graspop Metal Meeting will take place on Friday 19th, Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st June 2015. This is the weekend before the festival’s usual slot at the end of the month. The location remains the same, though: the Stenehei in Dessel is still the place to be.
Continue reading »Wednesday, 2 July 2014
This was Graspop Metal Meeting 2014!
The 19th edition of Belgium’s premier metalfest has come and gone. The weather gods threatened to spoil the fun but with only mild showers we got off easy.
Continue reading »Sunday, 29 June 2014
Naast zuinige streepjes zon viel er hier en daar ook een streepje humor te rapen op de GMM-podia.
Wie een lichte voorkeur heeft voor core en aanverwanten, en de occasionele wall of death of circle pit niet schuwt, werd vandaag op z'n wenken bediend!
Volbeat & Limp Bizkit eindigen zaterdag met een knal!
Zaterdag mag Civil War openen, met ex-leden van Sabaton. De band brengt een schitterende set vol epische powermetalsongs, waarbij hier en daar wel duidelijk is dat het grootste deel van de band uit het Sabatonkamp komt.
Continue reading »Saturday, 28 June 2014
Niet enkel gevestigde waarden komen aan bod op GMM; er is ook steevast plaats voor net dat tikkeltje vernieuwing. Dit waren er enkelen om te ontdekken!
Slechtgezinde weergoden worden vlotjes aan de kant geschoven door de eerste potige powerbands van de dag!
De vrijdag van Graspop 2014: afwisseling troef, weinig regen en blote borsten op het podium
Graspop Metal Meeting biedt dit jaar veel afwisseling, en dat is op de eerste volledige festivaldag niet anders. Zowat alle genres komen aan bod, van bluesy hardrock tot black metal, van grungy hardrock tot brute deathmetal.
Friday, 27 June 2014
Niet enkel feestbands maken hier het (nu nog) mooie weer. Verschil moet er zijn, en daarvoor leggen bands als Novembers Doom en Sólstafir de lat hoog!
GMM heeft er zin in! De derde WK-overwinning van de Rode Duivels werd weliswaar uitgebreid gevierd, maar het energiepeil was alvast torenhoog voor de eerste vrijdagse bands.
Belgian national railways staff are staging a 24-hour strike on Sunday 29th June as of 10pm. No trains will run until 10pm on Monday 30th June!
Thursday, 26 June 2014
België bulkt van het metaltalent
Als er iets is wat we geleerd hebben van de eerste teug Graspop, dan is het dat ons landje beschikt over heel wat uitstekende metalgroepen.
Belgian national railways staff are staging a 24-hour strike on Sunday 29th June as of 10pm. No trains will run until 10pm on Monday 30th June!
Wednesday, 25 June 2014
Geen bal te zien op GMM 2014?
Gans de wereld is momenteel helemaal in de ban van koning voetbal. De vierjaarlijkse hoogmis van het spelletje tracht in Brazilië te onderzoeken wie er zich weldra als wereldkampioen zal mogen kronen.
Continue reading »Tuesday, 24 June 2014
Epic festival fails
For many people going to a festival means going all out and shameful, hilarious things are bound to happen. Been there, done that, time to sum up a few festival bloopers.
Continue reading »The final countdown to GMM2014: part 9
Three days from now we’re kicking off the 19th edition of Graspop Metal Meeting. Reason enough to check out the bands playing at GMM2014!
Continue reading »Monday, 23 June 2014
These are not the selfies you are looking for
Needless to say, selfies are hot and happening. But Ellen Degeneres and her Hollywood pals aren't the only ones taking self-portraits. Turns out numerous famous metalheads have joined the selfie trend.
Continue reading »The final countdown to GMM2014: part 8
Four days left until Graspop Metal Meeting 2014! This edition we are welcoming more than 100 bands to the stage. Time to take a closer look at those bands.
Continue reading »Sunday, 22 June 2014
The final countdown to GMM2014: part 7
It is getting closer and closer. In five days we are officialy opening the doors of Graspop Metal Meeting 2014. Time to take a closer look at the bands performing at the festival!
Continue reading »Heavy Metal Football
Unless you've been living under a rock, you probably know the 2014 FIFA World Cup is upon us. Football and metal, it might seem an odd combination, but it isn't. Numerous metal artists are actually big fans of the sport.
Continue reading »The biggest Main Stage is standing at Graspop metal meeting!
What do you get when you put the Pinkpop Main Stage and the Rock Am Ring Main Stage together?
Continue reading »Saturday, 21 June 2014
The final countdown to GMM2014: part 6
Hell yeah, only six days to go until the start of the 19th edition of Graspop Metal Meeting! Let’s take a closer look at the bands playing this year.
Continue reading »Friday, 20 June 2014
The Metal Dome is traditionally the place to be if you want to end your festival day with a bang. Here’s a short overview of this year’s festivities:
Continue reading »The final countdown to GMM2014: part 5
One week left until Graspop Metal Meeting 2014! Over more than 100 bands are taking the stage this edition, so it couldn’t hurt to check out those bands.
Continue reading »Wednesday, 18 June 2014
The final countdown to GMM2014: part 4
In eight days we are officialy opening the doors of Graspop Metal Meeting 2014. Time to take a closer look at the bands performing at the festival!
Continue reading »The final countdown to GMM2014: part 3
Nine days from now we’re kicking off the 19th edition of Graspop Metal Meeting. Reason enough to check out the bands playing at GMM2014!
Continue reading »Tuesday, 17 June 2014
The final countdown to GMM2014: part 2
Ten days left until Graspop Metal Meeting 2014! This edition we are welcoming more than 100 bands to the stage. Time to take a closer look at those bands.
Continue reading »Monday, 16 June 2014
The final countdown to GMM2014: part 1
It is getting closer and closer. In eleven days we are officialy opening the doors of Graspop Metal Meeting 2014. Time to take a closer look at the bands performing at the festival!
Continue reading »Bring the thunder!
Bring the thunder! Support our Thunderclap campaign and let everyone know that you are going to #gmm14!
Continue reading »Wednesday, 11 June 2014
Newsmonkey: The Road to GMM2014
Belgian news site Newsmonkey is counting down the days until the start of the festival with an article series about Graspop Metal Meeting 2014:
Continue reading »Only 16 days left until the supersized experience!
Finding a worthy replacement for Megadeth at such short notice proved to be even tougher than expected so we were forced to come up with an alternative solution.
Continue reading »Wednesday, 16 April 2014
Met Metalbus Naar Graspop Metal Meeting
Wil je in echte metal-stijl naar Graspop Metal Meeting? In samenwerking met Metalbus legt de festivalorganisatie rechtstreeks bussen in naar de festivalwei in Dessel. We hebben meer dan 60 opstapplaatsen in België en Nederland voorzien en reserveren kan met of zonder festivalticket.
Continue reading »Thursday, 10 April 2014
Affiche voor de 19de editie helemaal rond
Met de toevoeging van de laatste 14 bands is de affiche voor de 19de editie van Graspop Metal Meeting rond. Dit brengt het totaal op 108 bands verdeeld over 5 podia. Voeg hierbij de tonnen randanimatie en je hebt de ingrediënten voor een veelbelovend metal-feest! Het aftellen kan nu echt beginnen!
Continue reading »Friday, 21 March 2014
Belgisch programma op donderdag 26 juni
Een vurig verbond
De samenwerking tussen Graspop Metal Meeting en Jupiler gaat al jaren terug. Editie na editie zorgde Jupiler met de Joe Piler Saloon voor topentertainment voor de festivalgangers. Dit jaar verwent Jupiler zijn fans met een nieuw podium in de Metal Plaza: de JUPILER STAGE!